Indriver offering boost rating course to indriver drivers and giving 10 Liter fuel voucher card

In Driver offering course to its Drivers to train drivers and giving 10 Liter Fuel Voucher to its drivers. How to Get this Course To Register this course Click Here 3 Things you will required to Register Your Indriver ID. ID you can found from Indriver app and click on my account. Your Register Mobile Number choose available slot to get register. After successful registration indriver manager will call you for confirmation. you will reached on time to indriver specified office. indriver serve TEA and refreshment to its Drivers also. after attending presentation indriver team share you a QR course to test. a google form will open for MCQS. WHO will get Fuel Voucher/Card 9 and above score will get 10 Liter Shell Fuel Card. 7 and above score will get 5 Liter Shell Fuel Card 6 and less than 6 score will get only certificate. A Indriver Driver share a Test with our team. Here is test which can help you to win 10 Liter fuel card....